Mother's Day 2023
«Κι ένα τέταρτο μητέρας
αρκεί για δέκα ζωές, και πάλι κάτι θα περισσέψει.
Που να το ανακράξεις
σε στιγμή μεγάλου κινδύνου»
Οδυσσέας Ελύτης - Εκ του πλησίον
On the occasion of Mother's Day, all of us at Lifecheck Group of Laboratories – Polyclinics, acknowledging the value of motherhood, would like to express our gratitude for the role and contribution of mothers to the family and society.
For this reason, throughout May we offer all mothers preventive examination packages for
Osteoporosis control
Tumor Markers Testing
Pap smear
Breast Utrasound and Digital Mammography* combined with free evaluation by a specialized doctor – Mammologist
For the free evaluation by the Mammologist book your appointment now at one of our centers in
*Digital Mammography is performed only at our center in Drapetsona